UNICEF; Tap to Save Water


Research, Infographic, Product Design



This is one week project.

Do you know how much water we are wasting every day? Do you know how much water an African child gets per day? 

This is one week project to research and design a water tap that awakes our ignorant water usage.

1 US vs Africa1 US vs Africa

Tap to Awake!

5 Ideation5 Ideation
6 Final Design16 Final Design1

Only Five Gallons a Day.

Most of the water taps are aesthetically pleasing. They are designed to be look luxurious and pretty. However the water taps being used in Africa look more raw and rigid. This gives us the controversial feeling.

Average African people uses only 5 gallons of water per day. This water tap can only hold 5 gallons of water per day too. It is to give the users the sense of how little the 5 gallons is, and how much of water we had been wasting every day.